How to search for people, places, animals, and things in the Photos app for iPhone and iPad

Looking for that picture of your favorite furry friend or that great ice-cream shop you went to? The Photos app has a great search feature!


After you've taken a couple of hundred (or thousand…) photos, it can be tough to find and pinpoint the exact image that you want.

Whether you're looking for a specific person at a particular event, a snapshot from your trip to Paris or Thailand, or a photo of your cat doing something adorable, sorting through your images can be tedious and time-consuming.

Luckily for you, there are actually a couple of different ways to search for people, places, animals, and things in the Photos app for iPhone and iPad: You can even search for non-tagged things like "dogs" or "mountains! Here's how!


How to search for photos in the Photos app on iPhone and iPad

  1. Launch the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the Search icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. From the Search Screen, you can select to browse the following…
  • Moments
  • People
  • Places
  • Categories
  • Groups

Or you could use the Search Bar at the top of the screen to directly type in the person, place, animal, or thing you want to find an image of.

How to search for photos using Siri in the Photos app for iPhone and iPad


Siri search is incredibly useful for finding pics of that time you and your besties rode horses on the beach for your birthday party. Literally, you can ask Siri to search for that. Give it a try!

Apple how to

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